Shopify - Connect to Source Medium

Shopify - Connect to Source Medium

Follow this integration guide to connect your Shopify data to Source Medium.


  • Admin access for Shopify to be able to accept partner request
  • Each Shopify Store requires a 4-Digit Collaborator Access Code in order for SourceMedium to send the Partner invite. Please share this 4-Digit Collaborator Access Code with You can find code on the Plan and Permissions page of your Shopify Admin. Learn more.


  1. A partner invite from will be sent to your Shopify store owner’s email inbox
    1. The email will be titled: “View request by Source Medium to access…” FROM:
    2. image
  2. In the store’s admin, review and accept the request
    1. Log into your admin at: https://{{STORE}} and click Review request
    2. image
    3. Click Accept request. Note Source Medium only asks for the permissions we need to pull in the correct data
      1. Please allow for all permissions we request or we may experience issues during the integration process
      2. image
    4. Once the invite is successfully accepted, Source Medium will show up under your list of Collaborator accounts at https://{{STORE}}