GA4 FAQ & Resources

GA4 FAQ & Resources

Google Analytics 4, In a Nutshell

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be replacing Universal Analytics (UA) completely on July 1st, 2023, leading to some major changes in your web traffic data. After July 1st, Universal Analytics will officially sunset, meaning no new UA data will be collected!

Some of the main bullet-points about how GA4 differs from Universal Analytics are:

  • Event-based instead of session-based data
  • Many new naming conventions and definitions
  • New privacy controls such as “cookieless” measurement
  • More unified website and app analytics
  • Sessions are expected to be more accurate
  • New methods for behavioral and conversion modeling

Google has some limited systems to automatically set up GA4 for you, but in order to avoid loss of data, we recommend you manually set up a GA4 property as soon as you can. Here is Google’s Migration Guide to GA4. Once you set up GA4 on your end, you will then have to connect the new data source to Source Medium.

How to connect Source Medium with GA4

Once you’ve set up GA4 on your website, you can connect your GA4 data to Source Medium by following the instructions on our short Integration document.


We will continue updating this FAQ with the key questions we encounter.

Why are my GA4 numbers different when compared to Universal Analytics?
How does GA4 affect attribution?

Our GA4 Documentation

External GA4 Resources

GA4 data not quite right? We recommend setting up a free GA4 audit with our partner, Littledata!