Reddit Ads - Connect to Source Medium

Reddit Ads - Connect to Source Medium

Follow this integration guide to connect your Reddit Ads data to Source Medium.

  • Log in to Reddit Ads
  • Open the drop down menu in the top left corner
  • Select Members
  • image
  • Enter the email address “”
  • Choose the “Analyst” permission level
    1. image
    2. Select Invite
      • Note: Only the account owner and users with administrator permissions can invite new contributors.
  • Contact your Reddit Ads account manger and request that both you and Source Medium be given Ads API Access to your account
    • If asked for Source Medium’s account info:
      • Email:
      • Username: SourceMediumInt
  • Once you and Source Medium have been given API access, please reach out to us and let us know via Slack or Email
Questions? Reach out on Slack or