Salesforce Commerce Cloud - Connect to Source Medium

Salesforce Commerce Cloud - Connect to Source Medium

Follow this integration guide to connect your Salesforce Commerce Cloud data to Source Medium.


  • Administrator permissions
  • The following authenticated access scopes for Salesforce Commerce Cloud's Admin API:
    • sfcc.products
    • sfcc.promotions
    • sfcc.customerlists
    • sfcc.catalogs
    • sfcc.source-codes
    • sfcc.orders

Steps 1: Create API Client

  1. Log in to your Salesforce Commerce Cloud account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, click API Client.
  3. On the API Clients page, click Add API Client.
  4. image
  5. Enter a Display Name for the API Client. eg. “SourceMedium”
  6. image
  7. Enter your Password and then Confirm Password for the new client. Make a note of the password (client secret).
  8. In the Allowed Scopes field, enter the authenticated access scopes provided in the ”Requirements” section.
  9. In the Token Endpoint Auth Method drop-down menu, select client_secret_post.
  10. In the Access Token Format drop-down menu, select JWT. Click Save.
  11. Make a note of the new API Client ID.

Step 2: Find Organization ID and Short Code

  1. Go to Administration > Site Development > Salesforce Commerce API Settings.
  2. Make a note of the Organization ID and Short Code.

Step 3: Find Site ID

  1. Go to Administration > Sites > Manage Site.
  2. Make a note of the Site ID.

Step 4: Find Customer List ID

  1. Go to Administration > Sites > Customer Lists.
  2. Make a note of the Customer List ID.

Share integration info with Source Medium

Email the following info to

  • Client ID and Client Secret from Step 1
  • Organization ID and the Short Code from Step 2
  • Site ID from Step 3
  • Customer List ID from Step 4