YoY Performance

What is the purpose of this page?

The YoY Performance module provides a series of visualizations comparing your current year performance with the previous year.

Related common analytical questions

How are we doing compared to last year?

What concepts are unique to this module?

  • This module uses the same data as the Executive Summary module
  • The default date range filter is set from the beginning of the previous calendar year to the end of the current year

The Charts: how should you interpret them?

Sales and Marketing Performance

How do Net Revenue and Spend compare against last year?

Compare Net Revenue and Orders against last year’s numbers. Notice that the difference between the line (orders) and the bar (Net Revenue) represents change in the Average Order Value (AOV).
How has the relationship between your Spend and Net Revenue changed since last year? You might notice patterns here and explore them in the Marketing Overview module.

Acquisition Performance

How are your marketing metrics performing against last year?

In the ROAS vs, Marketing Efficiency chart you could ask β€œWhy is ROAS - New Cust. so much lower than last year?” β€” which could be answered in the next chart (CPA vs. ARPC), the Marketing Overview module, and in the marketing platform specific modules.
These charts show that you are outperforming last year in terms of New Customers, Repeat Customers, and Sessions. You can also see that you may need to prepare for a spike in all of these metrics in November (if that trend repeats).


Are your marketing efforts paying off over time?

This chart can be used to determine the cumulative customer lifetime revenue of your monthly cohorts (LTV) vs. your blended cost per acquisition (CPA). Your LTV may continue to increase over time while the CPA will remain fixed. Note: This chart has a separate date range than the rest of the module (default is last 12 months).