
Lifetime Value (LTV)


Data Sources:

  • A specially formatted table pulling from your online store data (Shopify, Amazon, Stripe, Chargebee) as well as the Configuration Sheet

Schema Notes:

  • Channel is defaulted to Online DTC
  • Defaulted to Net Revenue
  • Filters (order type, sub-channel, etc.) apply to customers’ acquisition order
  • Cohorts based on order_process date when the order is at least partially paid
  • If we do not have a direct integration with a subscription platform, we rely on tags to determine subscription vs. non-subscription order type

More on sub-channels


  • Do certain subsets of monthly cohorts perform better than others?
  • Which monthly cohorts’ LTV has increased the most over time?
  • Which Source / Mediums have driven our highest value (LTV) customers?👇

More detailed data source and metric documentation

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