Amazon Sales Performance in Source Medium

Understanding your sales data is one of the main applications of Source Medium. This document will walk through the fundamentals, some key use-cases, and then briefly explain some limitations of Amazon data.


Connecting Source Medium to Amazon Data

To access Amazon data in the first place, you’ll need to allow source medium to connect and ingest your data. More information about connecting Source Medium and Amazon can be found here.

Where can I find Amazon Sales Data in Source Medium?

Once Source Medium and Amazon are fully connected, you’ll see Amazon as an option in the “Channel” dropdown at the top of the pages in your dashboard.


Sales data shows up all over the Source Medium dashboard, but the main pages to be aware of are the Executive Summary, Year over Year Performance, LTV & Retention, Orders Deep Dive, and Product Performance.

How do I analyze Amazon Sales Data in Source Medium?

Starting with the Executive Summary
Understanding Sales Trends with Year over Year Performance
Creating KPIs and Automatic Reporting
Understanding Lifetime Value of Amazon Cohorts
Order Latency and Purchasing Trends
Asking and answering Analytical Questions

Amazon Data Limitations

Amazon does not share all of their data, so as you navigate you’re likely to see a few tables or graphs which are not populated. This is expected! We do our best with the limitations of Amazon’s data availability.

Some notable callouts

For a full list of amazon data availability, consult this airtable.