
Executive Summary



Data Sources:

  • 100+ available metrics from your commerce store, marketing platforms, google analytics and your Configuration Sheet are all aggregated here. Up to 10 metrics from the Executive Summary can be sent daily to Slack

See available metrics

More on the configuration sheet

More on daily slack reporting

Schema Notes:

  • All data is aggregated to the date-level (not customer, order, or product)
  • Data is segmented by Channel and is defaulted to Online DTC. SM natively breaks out Draft, Exchanged, and Wholesale orders
  • Customers are counted uniquely on a daily basis, but not across multiple days: If I buy 3 times in 1 day, I get counted once. If I buy 3 times over 3 days (order #1,2,3) in 1 week, and you roll up to the week-level, I’m counted once as new customer, twice as a repeat. You can only get counted once as new customer ever.


  • Macro-level aggregation & summary of all integrated data — how is the business doing as a whole
  • Location for “north star” KPIs that can be followed on a daily, weekly, monthly basis
  • What is my true blended cost of acquisition (CPA)?
  • How are my acquisition and repeat purchases trending?👇

The “lego blocks” on the Executive Summary can be modified with features such as Scorecards and Target Setting widgets. 👆

More detailed data source and metric documentation

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